Unlocking the Potential of Partnerships

Become an Operator with JV Partners

Do you want to directly help the needy? Visionary partners can operate in Thrive Together Residences' vibrant community. Now is your moment to lead, serve, and transform lives. Our JV partnerships let you help develop safe, supportive housing and communities. Joining our team lets you mold our residents' future while reaping the advantages of your hard work.

Ways To Partner

  • Operational Co-Partnership

  • Joint Venture Development

  • Operational Handoff

  • Coaching

  • Hybrid Coaching and Operations

  • Consultation Only

Ways To Partner

  • A debt partner whose recovery is assured.

  • Investing Partner receiving a division of profits

  • Debt and equity partners with a minimum investment tenure of two years

Making Quality Housing Investments

We offer investment opportunities that are specifically tailored to generate a consistent income for you while simultaneously supporting the development of secure, stable, and supportive living spaces for our residents. It is our conviction that investing with intention can yield substantial returns. In addition to providing the opportunity to generate passive income, investing in our residences enables you to participate in a community-driven initiative. Investing in properties with us is not merely an investment in real estate; it is an investment in the prosperity and welfare of the individuals and organizations we cater to.

Making Quality Housing Investments

We offer investment opportunities that are specifically tailored to generate a consistent income for you while simultaneously supporting the development of secure, stable, and supportive living spaces for our residents. It is our conviction that investing with intention can yield substantial returns. In addition to providing the opportunity to generate passive income, investing in our residences enables you to participate in a community-driven initiative. Investing in properties with us is not merely an investment in real estate; it is an investment in the prosperity and welfare of the individuals and organizations we cater to.

Ways To Partner

  • A debt partner whose recovery is assured.

  • Investing Partner receiving a division of profits

  • Debt and equity partners with a minimum investment tenure of two years

Clients Love


The community spirit and level of help here are superb. I went from being disoriented and isolated to surrounded by friends who genuinely care about me. It's a chance to start over and make a new life for yourself.

Pamela Rauf

Finding ResidenceForYou was a godsend for me as a veteran. It's incredible to see how dedicated the staff is to our success. For the chance to get my life back, I will be eternally thankful.

Robin Ton

For the homeless, Residence For You is a beacon of hope. They offer more than just a bed; they offer an opportunity to leave. It's a safe haven where people can start over while still being treated with respect. With their assistance, you can recover and even thrive.

Magar Faw

Discovering ResidenceForYou was truly a blessing for me as a military veteran. I cannot emphasize enough the level of dedication and commitment that the staff at ResidenceForYou has towards ensuring our success. Their unwavering support has given me the opportunity to regain control over my life, and for that, I will forever be grateful.

Herb Kulp

ResidenceForYou has been an incredible support for me as a veteran. I am eternally thankful for their dedication and the opportunity to rebuild my life.

Eric Becker
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