Changing People's Lives

Who in Our Extended Family Deserves Our Love and Care

We Promise to Serve You, Because You Are Who We Serve

We at Residence For You are dedicated to serving a wide variety of people, and our "Who We Serve" page is more than just a list of demographics. We know that case managers are responsible for their clients' well-being and that prospective residents are looking for an environment in which they can flourish. That's why we created a community that's as special as the individuals we help.

We offer a reliable partnership with case managers and non-profits that serve our residents so that your clients can locate a place that meets their unique requirements in terms of safety, comfort, and support. Together, we'll make sure your clients have a smooth transition into a new environment where they can thrive and reach their potential. And for prospective residents, we extend a hearty welcome, where you'll find that you're part of a family as much as you are a part of a community.

Discover the difference of Thrive Together Residences, where we serve with heart, dedication, and a genuine commitment to helping you thrive. Come along with us, and let's set out to improve the lives of everyone tomorrow.

Opening Schedule

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise

+1 817 704 6996

901 Clinic Dr, Eluless, TX 76039

Our Vision

Substance Abuse

For those seeking help for substance abuse, we offer a supportive and nonjudgmental space. Our committed staff provides individualised assistance, connection to counselling and treatment services, and a welcoming environment to help residents overcome addiction and embrace a healthier, substance-free future.

Mental/Behavioral Health

For those who are struggling with mental or behavioural health issues, we offer a secure and helpful place to live. Individuals can heal, grow, and thrive thanks to the combination of our compassionate community, extensive mental health resources, and individualised care.

Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities

Our mission is to help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities reach their full potential by providing them with individualised care plans, access to appropriate resources, and a welcoming, accepting environment.

When a Foster Child Turns 18

These young adults are given the tools they need to develop important life skills, pursue their educational and professional goals, and feel a sense of community through our individualised programmes and compassionate support.

Indigent Veterans

We are dedicated to serving those who have served our country by providing a safe and secure place to live. Our programmes are designed to help formerly homeless veterans get back on their feet by providing a stable setting in which to start over.

Long-Term Homelessness

We give homeless people the tools they need to start over by providing a secure place to stay, helpful services, and a welcoming environment. We offer not just a place to sleep, but a place to thrive, with the goal of helping them secure stable housing, gain employment, and ultimately regain their independence.

Clients Love


The community spirit and level of help here are superb. I went from being disoriented and isolated to surrounded by friends who genuinely care about me. It's a chance to start over and make a new life for yourself.

Pamela Rauf

Finding ResidenceForYou was a godsend for me as a veteran. It's incredible to see how dedicated the staff is to our success. For the chance to get my life back, I will be eternally thankful.

Robin Ton

For the homeless, Residence For You is a beacon of hope. They offer more than just a bed; they offer an opportunity to leave. It's a safe haven where people can start over while still being treated with respect. With their assistance, you can recover and even thrive.

Magar Faw

Discovering ResidenceForYou was truly a blessing for me as a military veteran. I cannot emphasize enough the level of dedication and commitment that the staff at ResidenceForYou has towards ensuring our success. Their unwavering support has given me the opportunity to regain control over my life, and for that, I will forever be grateful.

Herb Kulp

ResidenceForYou has been an incredible support for me as a veteran. I am eternally thankful for their dedication and the opportunity to rebuild my life.

Eric Becker
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